The grocery store was super fun but there was some really gross stuff like squid and fish that still had eye balls EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!
No offense to you if you like that stuff but you're never gonna catch me eating something that's still looking at me.
There was also really yummy stuff like fruits that I have never even heard of before!
The money in Thailand is called baht. $1.00 is worth about 32 baht. So if you come here and see a candy bar that cost 16 baht don't be alarmed. It's really only about $0.50.
The signs in Thailand are not just in Thai. They are also in English so it's not hard to know what you're doing.
I love how everything, even grocery shopping, is fun here!
I have eaten squid before and it is so yummy!