Monday, July 27, 2015

I'm gonna tell you about a place called Asiatiuqe my friends and foes.

Hello my fellow amphibians!
Today I'm am gonna write about a cool place I went to.
Hope you enjoy!
A while ago Mom surprised us and took us to a place called Asiatique. We had so much fun!

It's basically a giant market. It is so cool! It's kinda like a really cool market but without the stress.

There were so many places to go and there were so many things to do, see, and eat.

If you have ever been to downtown disney It's kinda like that but Asia style.

People were drinking out of coconuts everywhere like no biggie! NO BIGGIE!? NO BIGGIE!? IT'S A BIG BIGGIE!!!!!!!! Goodness gracious! People have fantasies about this and these people drink out of coconuts with little straws like it's just normal.

I wonder... Well we have fantasies about the coconuts... What if they imagine vacation like in a cotton field eating a plum? Cuz I haven't found hardly any plums around these parts.

Ok probably not. Anyway my big sis was like born to drink out of coconuts she drank the WHOLE THING!!!!

There was a race track with slow-ish tiny kid sized motorcycles and my little siblings went on it and they were so proud of themselves so we went along with and started cheering for them. I had an idea.
They were so happy with themselves that I thought it would make them even happier to buy them each a prize so I went over with mom to the area with the soaps and bought my little brother one that looked kinda like a white cupcake and smelled SOOOOOOOO good and had two tiny rubber duckies at the top and I bought my little sister one that looked and smelled like a cherry. they had a special
" 4 soaps for 300 baht!" so I bought one for myself. It looks like a  flower and smells nice and of course I got my big sis one that looks and smells like a coconut.

                                    Thank you for reading my blog and just reading in general I don't know why but I'm just glad you read. Bye!

Thursday, July 16, 2015


Hello my fellow amphibians! today I'm gonna tell you about something crazy that happened to me yesterday!

Yesterday Mom and I were sitting in the media room watching a show.

5 hours later we are in the exact same spot watching the same show.

Here is what happened in those few hours in-between.

Our water cooler caught FIRE!!!!!!!

There were flames going up to the ceiling!

I heard someone say fire and next thing I know I am standing outside my door running down the steps.

Poor olka (My grandma.) was taking a nap when it happened. She came out with this blank confused look on her face.

Our driver was scared to death! (Not literally of course.)

His face was turning white. He almost fainted twice!

Meanwhile, My big sis is shopping with our neighbors daughter at the mall.

We didn't tell her anything happened until she got home.

Tia Bek said she smelled smoke but didn't want to leave the lego-ish thing she had been working on for 5 hours and right when she got up to see what it was she heard "FIRE!!!!!!!!"
(She just finished)

I am so glad we have a concrete house because if we didn't have a concrete house it would have burned down.

Olka motioned for people to come help but they didn't come very quickly because we didn't know at the time but doing that motion is cussing them out.

Is it weird that the first thing I thought when I got out of the house was "I'm glad I took my Funyuns out of the kitchen."?

Anyway everyone is fine.
And by the end of the day everyone resumed whatever they were doing before anything ever happened. Mom and I kept watching the show,Tia Bek kept working on this lego like thing that she has been working on,And everyone else... I don't know what they did but I'm pretty sure wasn't to different from what they were doing before.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Q&A Part Two

So sorry I haven't put up a blog post in a while. I try to do it as much as possible but I've been so busy and tired. A couple days ago we picked up my grandma, Polkadot, my grandma's best friend, Tia Bek, and my big sis!!!!!! I was so happy to see them again.

On with the Q&A.

Nonny asks "What class are you looking forward to most?"

I don't know... I guess I would have to say... Drama.

Jennifer asks "How do you tell yourself it will be good when your scared to do something?"

Ummmmmmmm... Let me think about that one.     ...                 ...  I'm gonna be honest. I cried my eyes out when I found out we were moving to Thailand. I was so happy where I was. I had a co-op I liked. My dad had just started working an office really close to our house. We had just moved in to our house two years before. It totally stunk when I realized I had to leave but once I found out about where I was going and my new school I couldn't have been happier about coming here. I just think of it as the longest and most fun vacation of my life! I can't really explain what I do to make it not seem so scary. It just depends on the situation and who you are.

Polkadot/Olka asks "does the fruit taste different?"

Well I have had a strange obsession with watermelon lately (I don't know why so don't ask me.)
so I do think the watermelon tastes sweeter but I don't know if that is because of Thailand or my obsession. The apples don't taste as good but the watermelon is heavenly.

She also asks "Who cuts up all the yummy watermelon?"
Our helper, Tway. I think I spelled that right.

She also also asks "Is the water cold in your swimming pool?"

No not at all.

She also also also asks "Are you gonna ride an elephant while you're are there?"
If I'm brave enough.

She also also also also asks "What is your opinion about wearing a uniform to school?"

It's pretty convenient. I don't have to worry about picking out a cute outfit every day.

She also also also also also asks "What is one of your favorite things that you have done in Thailand so far?"

I know this has nothing to do with Thailand but honestly having the Terminator marathon with mom. LOL

Madeline asks "Do you miss your old friends?"

Yes, I miss you very much Madeline. LOL. I know you too well.

I do stay in great touch with all my friends through face time, text, and some of them are even coming to visit. I think this experience has brought me a lot closer to my friends.

Daddy asks "What advice would you give kids your age who are moving somewhere very different?"
I would just say "Dude this stinks. It's hard to leave your comfort zone. for reals. You are going to be so happy though. I know it's scary at first but just chill. It will be great. When you get back you are gonna have so many stories to tell. This is a blessing not a curse. You are getting the opportunity of a life time. It's like going on a roller coster at Disney that you have never gone on before. You know you are gonna be ok but when you are in line all the fear builds up inside of you but once you get on you will have the time of your life. Afterwards you will be so glad you didn't back out.

Daddy also asks "What advice would you give there parents?"

Uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhh... I don't really know. I've never been a parent before. That would be a question to ask my mom. All I have to say is pray, have patience, try to stay positive and happy, and good luck. And just remember this is the time where you can connect with your kids the most. Don't try to stay perfect or act like you always know what you're doing. Be yourself. It's ok to be stressed out. You're not part of your family just so you can take care of your kids and spouse. Your kids are there to take care of you too.

Daddy also also asks "Can you give an example of where you have experienced something that stretched your comfort zone but you're glad you did it?"

Moving to Thailand.

Daddy also also also asks "What is it about your dad that makes him soooooooooooo awesome?"

That. That right there is what makes him so awesome.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Q&A part1

Hello my fellow amphibians. It's Tadpolekk!

Today I will be doing part one of the Q&A. I got so many questions that I had to do it in parts!

Thank you for leaving so many questions.

Part two will be soon. Please keep on leaving questions. You can ask questions the same way as last time.

Let's start.

Ok so the first question is from Angie. She asks "Are you and your family gonna learn the language while you're there? Do they teach it at your school?"

I do have an answer for that. See here is what I think will happen. They do teach it at the school so I will try to learn it. I will do really good at first then it will get really hard for me to remember. Then I will get bored of it but keep trying anyway. After that we will probably get a tutor. Meanwhile, Mom will keep saying she is gonna learn it but doesn't actually learn it until a couple months after the first time she said she was gonna learn it. She will try to learn it but then just stop trying to learn after a few weeks of trying. Dad will say he is considering learning it for a long time then learn like 6 phrases and will say he knows enough to get around. That's what I think.

  Question. Rachel asks "What's your favorite part of Thailand?"

  Answer. Thailand.

I love everything about Thailand. Therefore, my favorite part of Thailand is Thailand.
I do have a long list of specific things I love including but not limited to
driving the golf cart, the beautiful views, the nice people, and my new school.

I have a lot of questions from Rebel. She asks "Are you excited about school?"


She also asks "Do you have your schedule yet?"

By schedule I assume she means school schedule and no. I do not. I do not know when I will be getting it either.

Rebel also also asks "Have you met any of your teachers?"

No I have not. ;( I get to meet them in the beginning of August.

She also also also asks "Will you go on any cool field trips?"

I asume so. I mean we are in Thailand. I'm sure wherever we go will be cool. :)

Tammy asks "What is it like to be able to buy whatever you want?"

I have no idea. It must be nice I bet! I don't buy whatever I want. When we go to the grocery store I get one special treat that I get to eat when I'm good and have done my school work. Everything else that I buy is from my hard earned money or if I have been really sweet and mommy wants to get me something special which does not happen very often.

Jenny whats to know if I have seen any snakes. I believe her exact words were "Have you seen any snakes? EEEEEEKKKKK!!!!!!!!"

I have not seen any snakes. (thankfully) If I do see a snake I will blog about it. Believe me.

Bobby wants to know if I have made any friends my age. I have not. I have made some friends my little sister's age though. Her name is Sophie. She also has a friend named Sophie. I made friends with Sophie's friend Sophie.
It's a complicated world we live in.

One of my My BFFs Jenna asks "Do you like your life better in Thailand or in Texas?"

I did love my life in Texas and am very happy that I will be going back at some point but right now I'm really liking my life here. I can't really compare them because they are so different. I am just glad I had both. It's like asking someone what they like better, pink or oranges. I hope that kinda answered your question Jenna.

This is Jenna

My grandmas best friend AKA Tia Bek AKA Rebecca Retta asked me "How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?"

As much as a wood chuck could.
Please silence the applause.

Thank you.

Thank you for reading! bye!

Gonna do a Q&A!!!!!!!!

Hello my fellow amphibians. Today I will be informing you of something. Soon enough I will be doing a Q&A. If you don't know already. Q&A stands for question and answer. So you can ask me questions and I will answer them on the blog. To ask questions you can ask on the blog in the comments section of this post so I know it is a Q&A question.

Then I will answer it if I can. If I don't answer your question then someone else has already asked it, there were a lot of questions and I couldn't answer them all, you wrote the comment after I started writing the Q&A post, or the question was just too personal and I was not allowed to answer it. What I mean by personal is like what neighborhood I live in. I will answer questions like how many sisters I have. This is public and I do not want to be dangerous.

The same thing applies for if you are one of my BFFs and are texting me the question.

Not only can you ask questions about me or my life in Thailand. You can ask questions about my blog and what I might do on my blog in the nearby or far away future.

Please make sure only to comment the question in this post or if you're a friend of mine that does not have a google account you can just text it to me and tell me it is for the Q&A.

I am not sure when I will do the Q&A but it won't be any later than 7 days. I just need to wait until I get asked a good amount of questions.

Thank you for reading and commenting. Bye!

Monday, July 6, 2015

House tour of nothingness.

Hello my fellow amphibians. It's tadpole Kk!

Today I will be giving you a house tour or a tour of my house if you will.

The reason behind the name is well... We don't have any of our furniture.Not much else to it.

FYI I will be giving a new house tour once our shipment comes and we have painted the house

This is where our bikes will go when our shipment comes
This is where our cars go

Now up the stairs...

There is a pool!

By the pool we have some outdoor furniture.
Now lets go inside.

This is our living room.

This is the hallway.

See where mommy is coming out? Ya. We are about to go in there.

This is where mom was.

AKA... The media room

This is the kitchen.

That person in there is our helper. Her name is Tway. I think I spelled that right.
She cooks, cleans, and sometimes will make sure we don't die when mom runs over to Starbucks which is 190 steps from our house. Also I would give Tway the prize for one of the sweetest people EVER!!!!!

Next to the kitchen is the dinning room.

Next to the dinning room is a room. I don't know what its purpose is.

Now up the stairs.

And more stairs.

This is my little brother's room.

His bathroom is in his closet. I don't know if you find that weird but I sure do.

This is my little sister's room.

This is my wonderfully organized closet.

My not so organized bed.


The door of mystery.

Should I?

Maybe I shouldn't.

I'm doing it!

Oh. It's just my mom and dads room.

This is what they wake up to every morning #Jelly

Now back into the upstairs hall

Down the stairs.

Down more stairs.

Into the hall where my little sister is throwing a fit

Passed the dinning room.

Into a new mystery door.

Down more stairs

#2 many stairs

This is the laundry room.

After the laundry room...The rest of the down downstairs is my big sister's own little area.This is her sitting room.(so far)

Her bedroom.(also unfurnished for now)

This is her bathroom. We are gonna put a curtain around the shower. That way you wouldn't even notice the vanity and toilet were in the shower. #WeirdShowers #She'llShowerUpstairs

She even has her own entrance/exit

I do love everything about this house so much but my favorite part is the family that lives in it. I would not trade them for the world. 

Again with that phrase!!!!!