Monday, July 27, 2015

I'm gonna tell you about a place called Asiatiuqe my friends and foes.

Hello my fellow amphibians!
Today I'm am gonna write about a cool place I went to.
Hope you enjoy!
A while ago Mom surprised us and took us to a place called Asiatique. We had so much fun!

It's basically a giant market. It is so cool! It's kinda like a really cool market but without the stress.

There were so many places to go and there were so many things to do, see, and eat.

If you have ever been to downtown disney It's kinda like that but Asia style.

People were drinking out of coconuts everywhere like no biggie! NO BIGGIE!? NO BIGGIE!? IT'S A BIG BIGGIE!!!!!!!! Goodness gracious! People have fantasies about this and these people drink out of coconuts with little straws like it's just normal.

I wonder... Well we have fantasies about the coconuts... What if they imagine vacation like in a cotton field eating a plum? Cuz I haven't found hardly any plums around these parts.

Ok probably not. Anyway my big sis was like born to drink out of coconuts she drank the WHOLE THING!!!!

There was a race track with slow-ish tiny kid sized motorcycles and my little siblings went on it and they were so proud of themselves so we went along with and started cheering for them. I had an idea.
They were so happy with themselves that I thought it would make them even happier to buy them each a prize so I went over with mom to the area with the soaps and bought my little brother one that looked kinda like a white cupcake and smelled SOOOOOOOO good and had two tiny rubber duckies at the top and I bought my little sister one that looked and smelled like a cherry. they had a special
" 4 soaps for 300 baht!" so I bought one for myself. It looks like a  flower and smells nice and of course I got my big sis one that looks and smells like a coconut.

                                    Thank you for reading my blog and just reading in general I don't know why but I'm just glad you read. Bye!


  1. Thank YOU for writing! You are going to have to take me there in December!

  2. Was it Coconut Water? That Zoe drank? I miss you! Hope to see you soon!
